The One Pot Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity Determination of Novel Molecules
Alzheimer's disease affects many people today. For this reason, the economic and social burdens of the disease on society are also increasing. Although the cause of the disease has not been fully clarified yet, many factors are suggested in this regard. One of the most striking among these is brain deformations as a result of oxidative stress. In this study, three new molecules, (E/Z) - (4-fluorophenylthio) -N-(4-methoxybenzylidene) (4-methoxyphenyl) methenamine (NS-1), (E/Z) - (4-fluorophenylthio) -N-(4-hydroxybenzylidene) (4-hydroxyphenyl) methenamine (NS-2), and (E/Z) - (4-fluorophenylthio) -N-(2-pyyrolidene) (2-pyrrole) methenamine (NS-3) were synthesized and their antioxidant properties were evaluated using CUPRAC method and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity coefficients were determined. The antioxidant capacity of NS-3, was found to be considerably higher than torolox, 1.5. The Cyclic voltammetry (CV) of compounds was achieved within the potential range -1.4V to 0.95 V with a 50 mVs-1 scan rate. 82.15 μA at 456 mV and -929 mV for 10-4 M NS-3 reduction peaks with current values of -104.9 μA were found. The molecule NS-3 can be a potential candidate for antioxidants that could be used to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
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